Your wordpress site starts like on our staging server. The cpanel/WHM server is the staging server. This gives you lots of control and access to your site, including ftp access and password control.
You should use a URL like for your site on the staging server. We have another FAQ on that.
The staging site is where you should:
When you are happy that everything is working on the staging site – we’ll push the site to the production cluster. The production cluster is where your wordpress site will reside that the public will see. It will use a url like
To achive this, you should use the wpdone cpanel plugin, ‘send to cluster’. Leave all the defaults to Yes, this should take about 15 seconds on existing sites. If it’s the first time, it takes about 45-60 seconds or so.
By Scott Farrell on January 11th, 2016 , Follow @scott_WordPress Tweet to @scott_WordPressEmail or call, and we can arrange a time to chat call 0412927156 or CONTACT US TODAY!